Membership is available for the following subscriptions from 1st January.   The application form can be downloaded as a Word file by clicking on this link. It can be completed and returned by email or written and posted.  Full details are on the form.

Individual - £18
Student - Free (up to the age of 21, or 25 if in full time education)
Family - £22
Corporate - £18
Application should be made to the Membership Secretary at the address on the application form. Subscriptions are renewable on 1st January each year, but the subscription of any new member joining on or after 31st October shall cover the succeeding calendar year, save that members so joining shall not be entitled to receive the Bird Report published in the year they are joining.

As a member you will receive:

Bird Report
A nationally acclaimed annual bird report giving information on every species of bird recorded during the year.

Bird News
A high quality, 3x /year newsletter containing projects and surveys, conservation news, sites to watch, recent reports, county rarities, readers notes and letters, and a diary section detailing meetings of affiliated societies.


The Society holds a winter program of talks held on the 1st Friday of the month, starting at 7:45pm. These cover many different aspects of birding, species conservation, reserve creation and maintenance and photographer’s experiences. Each year is varied and unique. Since the COVID pandemic, most meetings have been held online via Zoom. We will continue with Zoom but do intend to reintroduce at least some 'face to face' meetings and our new venue will be the Mere and Tabley Community Club, Warrington Road, Mere, Knutsford, WA16 0PU.

Rostherne Permits

CAWOS members
Members can include their Rostherne permit payments with their annual CAWOS subscription renewal.  The current rates are detailed on the renewal document.
Non CAWOS members
Non members of CAWOS have to purchase their permit from the Rostherne Permit Secretary via the Contact Us page.  Please DO NOT bank transfer the payment direct to the CAWOS bank account.

For any membership queries, or changes to existing details, please contact our Membership Secretary using this link.
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© All images copyright of the author 2024
Cheshire and Wirral
   Ornithological Society
Registered Charity No. 702484