Member's Websites
Sheila Blamire
Sheila is a biologist and photographic artist with a unique eye for wildlife. In expeditions over eighteen years on every continent, Sheila has built an enviable portfolio of stunning and breathtaking images of our planet.
Mike Hems
An enthusiastic amateur interested in all aspects of photography but particularly natural history.
Mark Woodhead
Mark has always had a passion for birds and his website shows it in his hundreds of quality images of birds he has photgraphed. Mark is the photo editor for Bird News.
Phil Woollen
Phil describes himself in this blog as a 'birder since he was a kid'. His blog is full of birding/photography events and includes many image of British rarities.
Steve Young
Steve is not a member of CAWOS but is a regular contributor to the Bird Report and has kindly allowed the Society to use his image of a Leach's Petrel as the banner for all our website pages. Steve is a well known local photographer and his site is full of great images of birds.
© All images copyright of the author 2024
Cheshire and Wirral
Ornithological Society
Registered Charity No. 702484