Data searches
Ecological or commercial searches
CAWOS (Cheshire and Wirral Ornithological Society) has a database of bird records dating back to 2001, containing over two million records.
We charge an administrative fee of £48 per tetrad to carry out a database search; this fee is chargeable whether or not records are found with a minimum charge of £96 per request.
Records are supplied as a csv file with species, site, date, grid ref, count and comments. Any records supplied must be used just for this survey and not be kept or passed on to a third party. Data is normally suppled for ‘Birds of Conservation Concern’, which includes those species on the Red List, Amber List, BAP species, Schedule 1 List, etc, unless you say otherwise.
If you know the tetrad(s) relating to the request, please detail them. Alternatively :
- a map with the exact search area outlined
- a map with the central grid ref and the radius area to be included (i.e. 2km from the central point), and the relevant tetrads can be worked out from this
We will require a purchase order number from the organisation requesting the data and on completion an invoice will be supplied with payment to be made to our Treasurer within 28 days of invoice date.
Other Conservation organisations or individuals carrying out research
If the search is for purely research purposes, we would not normally charge an administration fee.
In all cases we require a dataset agreement (contract) to be completed
Please submit all requests by email clearly stating Data search in the subject and give as much information as possible with requirements timescales in the body to the following email address :

© All images copyright of the author 2024
Cheshire and Wirral
Ornithological Society
Registered Charity No. 702484