Chelford Area Sand Quarries
Map reference (Junction A535/A537): SJ818744
Click link to download a pdf file of the Chelford area map
Quarrying has now finished at the Dingle Bank Quarry complex at Lower Withington(otherwise known as the Chelford Sand Quarries) after 80 years of sand extraction. Restoration of the quarry banks at the final active quarry, Acre Nook, is now underway and is due to be completed sometime in 2022, when Sibelco will relinquish responsibility for the quarries. Now that pumping has ceased water levels are already rising and should reach capacity in around ten years.
Lapwing Hall Pool/Lake was restored about ten years ago and designated as a nature reserve in the S106 agreement. There is a permissive path around the top of the bank which has recently been fenced to reduce disturbance to the wildlife.
As the future use of the other waters has not yet been decided, it is important that the locations of birds on these waters are correctly recorded for conservation purposes and for evidence in the event of future planning applications. Records submitted under the umbrella site of Chelford Sand Quarries will be of less value than those which name the exact site. Records for Mere Farm Quarry should state whether birds were on the N, S or E pool. It would be helpful if birders using Birdtrack or e-Bird could also follow these guidelines. The map shows the quarries affected and the names which should be used when recording birds. It also shows the surrounding lanes and public footpaths which can be used to obtain views of the waters. There is no other access to any of the waters apart from the permissive path at Lapwing Hall Pool mentioned above.
Steve and Gill Barber
January 2021
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Cheshire and Wirral
Ornithological Society
Registered Charity No. 702484